I Have Garden Envy

hippeastrum bulbsI certainly don’t believe everything I read online. There’s an old saying, ‘believe half of what you see and none of what you hear’. Well, on the internet it’s practically ALL what you hear. I see my friends sharing all these images about fruits that burn fat and 70-year-olds who’ve discovered anti aging treatments that make doctors hate them, and they’re all talking like they’ve uncovered the medical find of the century! Grains of salt, really. With age comes wisdom, or so you’d think.

The internet is good for some things, though, Lacey just got her summer flowering bulbs, Melbourne is too far away for me to pop around for tea and see what the garden landscapers have done to the place.

Fortunately, she put the pictures straight online, so I didn’t even have to get up from my comfy chair to take a look! I’ll be honest, with all my gardening ambition, Lacey is someone I’ll always admire for having the yard that I secretly desire. Though to be fair, she gets garden landscapers in to do all the work. Ah, that’s the real rub, isn’t it…once you have enough money, you can go ahead and do what you like!

Not that Lacey rubs it in all that much; just enough so that we can take a look at some pictures and admire her rows of hippeastrums. I do see red sometimes thinking about what she’s ordered that handsome gardener to do for her. Oh, he looks like a nice boy, but she really needs to mention her husband a bit more around him. People will start to talk! In any case, I might have to save my money for tulips bulbs and spring flowers. I am getting some wonderful ideas! I just hope Lacey never drops around and takes a good look at the garden, or she’ll realise that it’s a budget version of hers. I might not have the finest garden around Melbourne, but think I make do!